Class Music for the Week
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Our music curriculum aims to provide all pupils with a high quality music education which engages and inspires children to develop a life-long love of music, increases their self-confidence, creativity and imagination, and provides opportunities for self-expression and a sense of personal achievement.
Key Principles:
· Encourage children to appreciate and to understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians.
· Ensure that music is fun, relevant and engaging for children in our school.
· Music in our school is hands on and practical.
· To play, compose and perform using tuned and un-tuned instruments.
· Encourage children to listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory.
· Aim to inspire our children to learn the relevance of music in the world in the past, now and in the future.
Aims of the Music Curriculum
· Develop children’s ability to listen to, and appreciate a wide variety of music, including that which has a specific purpose.
· Provide opportunities for children to explore and express ideas and feelings about music in a variety of ways, for example through dance.
· Explore a range of musical elements, for example: pitch, pulse, tempo and dynamics.
· Encourage active involvement in creating and developing musical ideas using voices and instruments - both tuned and un-tuned.
· Develop a sense of group identity and togetherness through composing, rehearsing and performing music with others, to an audience.
· Increase self-discipline and creativity, aesthetic sensitivity and fulfilment.
We use Charanga music scheme which introduces children to a wide variety of music genres to teach them the principles of understanding music, listening and appraising. Children learn how to sing solo and as part of a group, explore notation and play tuned and untuned instruments. They learn how to improvise and compose, finally performing their creations.
Our KS2 choir will be taking part in the Young Voices Concert taking place in London in February 2023. This event brings hundreds of children together from local primary schools to celebrate the joy of singing. It is a fantastic opportunity for the children to experience a massed choir atmosphere and to be part of an exciting performance.
'This music (Arrival of the Queen of Sheba, Handel) makes me want to swim' - Esme, Nursery. Jan22
'I want to be a DJ when I grow up. Music makes me feel good.' - Selena, YR.
'I like music lessons. They make me feel happy and I enjoy the beat.'- Santiago, Y4.
'I like the singing in the music lessons. I would like to continue playing the violin.'- Nisarga, Y4.