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Welcome to St Joseph's Nursery - St. John Paul II


Feast Day: 22nd October

''Do not abandon yourself to despair, we are the Easter people and Alleluia is our song''


Saturday 22nd March 10am

If you are interested in your child joining our Nursery come and have a look round and speak to staff.

To make an appointment please contact office@stjosephs.w-berks.sch.uk


At St Joseph’s Nursery all experiences are built on four themes:

Through these themes we aim to:

  • Provide rich and stimulating experiences to enhance and extend the abilities of all our children.
  • Offer a secure, warm and caring environment to allow children to develop a positive sense of pride.
  • Use planned activities to develop and explore meaningful play contexts.
  • Enrich knowledge and understanding through a wide range of resources.

Help children grow to be the best that they can be.


Camp Adventure at St Joseph's

Nursery class went camping today on the school field. We made our own tent, had a sing-along and toasted marshmallows, all while dodging the raindrops.

-Mrs Keefe


September 2022

At St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School the Nursery class children have been very busy settling in and getting to know one another. The Nursery pets, rabbits Candy and Oreo, have helped to settle the children; ‘they are adorable!’ remarked one child.   

Caring, passionate practitioners welcome and settle each child daily, according to their individual needs. The children have access to both classrooms and the large exclusive garden during free flow for long periods each day. A wide variety of resources and areas are available, reflecting all aspects of the Early Years Curriculum. These include a free choice art area, music area and mud kitchen and provide a variety of opportunities to develop vital pro-social, communication and physical skills.  

Our knowledgeable practitioners, including a class teacher, use a combination of the children’s interests and planned activities to teach the children new skills in interesting, relevant and practical contexts. Each child is extended according to their individual development and next steps. Activities include sewing, woodwork, music, dance and gardening. Group times are kept short and interesting and focus on developing early phonics and mathematics skills as well as weekly RE and literacy.  

The aim is to ensure that children not only succeed academically, but also grow spiritually and morally, developing into fully rounded individuals. We follow the diamond rules at St Joseph’s and work hard on copying the example of Jesus, using good manners, caring for our friends and resources and following instructions carefully. The children love to receive stickers for following these rules.  

Practitioners develop warm relationships with parents and carers, communicating with them daily via an online learning journal and face-to-face. The classroom environment has an inviting feel, with an emphasis on celebrating the children’s achievements and diversity. One parent commented ‘My son got attached to all the staff, which remarks a caring and kid-friendly attitude. I can’t thank staff enough.’  

In addition to the Early Years curriculum, the children are encouraged to develop skills of resilience, team work, concentration and problem-solving which set them up for success throughout their school careers. Practitioners sensitively encourage children to be as independent as possible, in collaboration with parents, assisting with a smooth transition into Reception year. 

Virtual Tour of our Nursery

Nursery Video - converted with Clipchamp.mp4

Following, Recognising and Nurturing: Following in Jesus’ footsteps, Recognising the Holy Spirit in ourselves and each other and Nurturing our God-given gifts

30 hours poster(1)

Nursery Opening Times

Morning Sessions: 8.30 am – 11.30 am

Afternoon Sessions: 12.15pm – 3.15pm

All day sessions (30 hours) 8.30 am – 3.15pm

Lunch options:  We run a lunch time club from 11.30am to 12.15pm. The cost for the club for the day is £3, invoiced monthly. You can provide your child with a packed lunch or alternatively pay for a school dinner (currently £2.65)


Story Writing!

“This week, Nursery class has started their story creations, shared writes with a practitioner. The children create a story with characters, setting, problem and solution. There was literally a queue to do story creation- the children were very keen! They created some lovely stories and developed their pen control, understanding of story structure as well as helping to record their stories through writing and pictures.” Mrs Keefe

