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 Primary School Admissions

Please email office@stjosephs.w-berks.sch.uk to make an appointment


Please CLICK HERE to look at our Reception class page and classroom virtual tour


Deciding on the right school for your child is an important decision and we hope that you find the information you require on this website. If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 you will need to apply for a Primary Reception place commencing in September 2025. We admit up to 30 children into Reception each September.

St Joseph’s is part of the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for all schools in West Berkshire.  This ensures that every parent living in the West Berkshire area who has applied for a place in the normal admission round receives an offer of a school place on the same day. The scheme operates an equal preference system and uses a common application form for all schools which is available in the Parent’s Guide to Admissions to Primary Schools.  The Admission Authority of St Joseph’s School is the Governing Body and the Admissions Committee of the Governing Body determine admissions to the school and the Governing Body review the Admissions Arrangements annually.

We operate a single entry point with all Early Years Foundation Stage children starting in the September preceding their fifth birthday. The admissions policy is reviewed annually. The Governors of St Joseph’s welcome applications from any families who value and are willing to support the school’s mission to provide the best possible education in a community with Christ at its centre.

We welcome the opportunity to meet prospective parents, to answer questions and have our children show you around. Our catchment area covers most of Newbury.  Applications for children to join the Foundation Stage Class for September 2023 should be made by 15th January 2023. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit or go to the West Berkshire Council Admissions pages for the Parent’s Guide to Admissions to Primary Schools which includes an application form.


We look forward to meeting you.

Admissions Policy 2021/2022

Admissions Policy 2022/2023

Admissions Policy 2023/2024

Admissions Policy 2024/2025

Admissions Policy 2025/2026

West Berkshire Council Admissions

Admissions Appeals - 

Please CLICK HERE for the West Berkshire Council appeals information

New Intake Information

Applications for primary school places must be made online with West Berkshire local authority.

Please CLICK HERE  for the West Bershire primary school admissions page

If an application is being made for a place at the school as a catholic a copy of the supplementry form must be provided along with a copy of your child's baptism certificate.

If application is being made for a place at the school as a member of another Christian denomination or another faith, a letter confirming membership of that Christian denomination or faith and signed by the appropriate minister of religion or faith leader, will be required. The letter should be provided with the completed supplementary Information form and sent directly to the school.

A copy of the supplementary form can be found at the bottom of the admissions policy.


Please CLICK HERE for some useful New intake information



  • Parents may access the most recent report about the school published by her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills on the Ofsted website. Please click here to access this information.
  • Please CLICK HERE for our latest report

Portsmouth Diocese Boundary Map

Diocese of Portsmouth Parish boundaries 2016



Deanery 6

West Berkshire Pastoral Area


St Joseph, 105 London Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1JP

A point by the railway line in the Southwest corner of The Wilderness SU394673. North by track to A4. West then North by track through Elcot and East of Winding Wood to B4000 road bridge over M4. Northeast by track to dismantled railway East of Weston. Southeast along railway track to M4. East along M4 to Westbrook – Bradleywood Farm road underpass. North and Northwest by road (Hangman’s Stone Lane) to Lower Barn. North by road (Sheephouse Way) through Nodmore to Southend. North across country to a point East of Woolley Home Farm. East across country to cross B4494 at junction leading to Wicksett Copse. A line Southeast to include Lilley, joining road (Sheep Leaze Lane) and continuing Southeast by road through Heath Barn to road junction North of Hailey Copse. A line East across country to A34 at Ashridge Farm. South down A34 to a point South of Langley Wood. Southeast by track (Old Street) through Oareborough Hill to join M4 South-southeast of Bradley Court. Southwest down M4 to A34 interchange. A line Southeast across country to road West of Faircross Plantation. South by road (Curridge Road) and track to join B4009 South of Cold Ash Farm. Southwest down B4009 to Craven Farm road junction. South-southeast across country to East of Mousefield Farm excluding Henwick Manor to join road at Lower Henwick Farm junction. Southeast by road (Turnpike Road) to A4 junction. Southwest along A4 to minor road junction leading to Thatcham. A line Southeast across country to railway bridge over Kennet and Avon Canal East of Race Course, thence West by railway line to starting point.

Portsmouth Diocese Boundary Map