Celebrating Diwali - Monday 13th November 2023
On Monday 13th November, we learnt all about the Hindu festival of Diwali. Each class learnt more about the festival and took part in many creative activities.
In the afternoon we welcomed residents from a local care home to join us. Children from each class shared what they had been making and also joined in with more art activities with the residents. Mrs Amin led the afternoon beautifully with a powerpoint full of lots of interesting information
The whole school had a fantastic day on Thursday celebrating International Day.
Children and staff dressed up to represent countries from around the world and the children spent the day travelling around the the world, taking part in different activities. These have included: cooking, dancing, art, languages and drumming.
Simon Murray - Author Visit!
“Year R, 1, 2, 3 and 4 were super lucky to have Simon Murray, a local author and illustrator, visit them on Wednesday morning. He writes and illustrates the Icky Doo Dah books.
In his workshop, he explained how he started off his writing with a mischievous character called Icky who lives in an attic on Copperpot Farm whose favourite food is spiders!
During the workshop, he gave 20 simple steps into drawing this character and making it our own. All children were very engaged and created lots of wonderful drawings! If you are interested in redrawing the character at home follow this link to Simon's website: https://www.ickydoodah.com/about-simon-murray “
Miss Bennett
Young Voices Choir: Wembley Arena 2023
Today we had a wonderful visit from Kalpesh from KZ Dance! Each class took part in an Indian Dance workshop and learnt about Holi, the Hindu fes-tival of colour. All the children and staff had great fun learning the steps and performing the dances!
“On Wednesday we were delighted to welcome Father Michael to celebrate our Ash Wednesday Mass. He celebrated Mass in the hall with our year six children and several of our year six children then went around the school to distribute the ashes to the rest of the children. This was a very moving way to begin the Lenten season and to remind us that we should be sorry for the times when we do wrong and to believe in the words of Jesus. We are looking forward to becoming closer to Jesus as we prepare for his death and resurrection.”
Michael Robinson Deputy Headteacher
What amazing visitors we had at school today. The children were able to meet and hold all sorts of wonderful reptiles.
We had an amazing time with the Bollywood dancer! He showed us lots of dances including 'changing the lightbulb'. We all had a brilliant time and were very thirsty by the end of it! It was love-ly to celebrate Holi and dance together. Here's what we thought about it:
"I like the spinning around." Jack, Y1
"I like the patterns of the umbrellas." Anjali, Y1
"I liked the costume because it had lots of pompoms on." Stanley, Y1
"I like the lightbulb dancing." Para, Y1
"I think that all the songs were good." Trishaan, Y1
"It was really fun and definitely enjoyable and very expressive!" Lyra, Y2
The brilliant teacher told us a Diwali story about Sita and Rama. He taught us lots of dance moves which were very funny—some of the dances were really fast and the Indian music was great! He wore a curga which is a very colourful costume full of bright beads and mirrors and he had two bright umbrellas covered in rangoli patterns and silver cir-cles. It was really tiring but so much fun even the teachers joined in!” Andreea and Darsh, Y4

World Book Day 3rd March 2022
What a wonderful World Book Day we have had! From reading together to sharing our favourite characters to creating
a giant Where's Wally we have loved having the chance to celebrate our love of books here at St Joseph's. We
want to say a really big well done to our winners over the day of our costume parade and also our 500 word winners.
A big thank you to Mrs Bosher, as well as 2 of our governors Mrs Hill and Mrs Jones for judging the 500 words
competition, and we also want to share with you a link to help spread the love of reading at home https://

We were delighted to support the NSPCC by taking part in Number Day on Friday 4th February 2022. Everything the NSPCC does protects children today and prevents abuse tomorrow.
Number Day is a great way to make maths fun and bring about a positive, ‘can-do’ attitude towards it. We combined Maths and Fit Friday! and completed fitness challenges using our Maths skills to work out our scores.
Year 2 spent time estimating how long it would take each team to walk to a cone and back in their teams. St. Bernadette and St. Nicholas were the fastest, but St. Antony had the closest estimate of 40 seconds and made it in 49 seconds! The children also made some number posters which included lots of facts and information about their number. In the afternoon Year 2 had fun creating their own money board game!” Miss Howard
"I loved all of it!" Godwin, Y2
"I enjoyed making the poster and I loved playing the games." Lilah, Y2
"I liked making my own money game." Prakhar
We were lucky as Year 1 & Y2 were able to have a scooter lesson and Year 3 - Year 6 had the opportunity to learn some tricks and skills on skateboards.
“We had to put on knee pads, elbow pads and helmets. Then we had warm up and went on the skateboard. We learnt some tricks!” Andrea, Y3
“It was a skateboarding day today. It was fun and we did flip. The teacher was happy too!” Tomasz O., Y3
“We learnt lots of tricks. We had to wear helmets for safety.” Aadvik, Y1
Sports for Schools Event - Welcome Nerys Pearse
King Charles' Coronation Celebration! May 26th 2023
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Year 5 Public Speaking Competion
“On Wednesday 29th April, Bhavya, Samaria and Jakub from YR5 took part in a public speaking masterclass at Blessed Hugh Faringdon in Reading. They had the opportunity to gain an understanding of the challenges they will face in the forthcoming competition on the 6th July. They listened and took part in many activities. We are so proud of them.” Ms Berry & Mr Rampton
“We had a fun time playing games and practicing speaking clearly to others. Also meeting children from other school taking part and making new friends. We had 2 Girls, Yasmine and Charlotte from Yr9 mentoring us they were very helpful. We are looking forward to 6th July and hope we do well in the competition!”
Bhavya, Samaira and Jakub