Keeping Safe - Internet Safety

Internet Safety
At St Joseph's we take all reasonable measures to ensure the safety of internet users on our premises.
Here is some helpful information for you to keep your children safe whilst using the internet.
The NSPCC has asked 600 primary school children what information they needed to stay safe online. More than 80% said they needed to know more about privacy settings on mobile apps and games. The survey coincides with an update to the Net Aware guide which keeps parents informed of issues around social media sites and online platforms popular with their children. 12 new sites have been added to NetAware which now has over 60 social networking sites, apps and games which children use.
We strongly recommend you check it out !

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Minimum age 13+
What do you think is the right age for Facebook?
Facebook is a social network, which lets you create a page about yourself. You can add friends, share pictures and videos, write on people’s pages, send instant messages and join online groups.
Minimum age 13+
What do you think is the right age for Snapchat?
Snapchat is an app that lets you send a photo or short video to your friends. The ‘snap’ appears on screen for a matter of seconds before disappearing. There’s also a feature called Snapchat Story that lets you share lots of snaps in a sequence for up to 24 hours.
Minimum age 13+
What do you think is the right age for Instagram?
Instagram is a picture and video sharing app. Users can post content and use hashtags to share experiences, thoughts or memories with an online community. You can follow your friends, family, celebrities and even companies on Instagram.
Children’s views taken in a recent survey by NSPPC Net Aware.
What do children and young people say to look out for:
29% of the children and young people we asked think Instagram can be risky. The top 3 concerns were:
- strangers
- lack of privacy
- inappropriate content.
Why kids like it:
The top 3 reasons why children and young people liked Instagram were:
- you can share with others
- you can communicate with others
- you can follow others.

You can find out further information about other websites, how to access and amend privacy settings and how to report inappropriate content or usage by going to
Fornight Battle Royal Parents Guide
Minecraft Parents Guide