School Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities
At St Joseph’s we are lucky enough to have a wide range of clubs and extra-curricular activities. Some clubs run throughout the year whilst others are only available on a termly basis. The school informs parents of new clubs starting through the school newsletter or individual class letters for specific year groups.
Music Lessons- Friday mornings, Year 1 - Year 6.
We have iRock music come in on a Friday morning to provide lessons on drums, guitar and keyboard. Please click on the link to their website for more information
- Year 5 & Year 6 Choir starts Monday 3rd October.
- Year 5 & Year 6 Football starts Monday 3rd October
Baking Club 19th January 2022

French Club



KS2 Multi Skills
Wake and Shake Club!
“Wake and shake club got off to a great start this week, with children from lot's of classes starting their day with some good music and dancing!”
Mrs Daubney
Spanish Club!
We got to try out a few typical foods from Spain last week. Mrs Garner brought in for our delight:
Churros con chocolate which are doughnut like sticks covered with cinnamon and sugar. They were really good and even better dipped in chocolate sauce. Delicioso!
Chorizo - Spanish sausage a little like salami with a light spicy taste from the paprika. The spice really complimented the flavour.
Tortilla - a Spanish omelette made with fried potatoes and onion. It was a very tasty omelette.
Aceitunas - olives these were quite a strong flavour and weren't very popular!
We then practiced ordering food in a restaurant.“ Anushka and Vedant, Y4