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Welcome to Year 4 - Blessed Oscar Romero (4 Romero)


Feast Day 24th March - 'Aspire not to have more but to be more'

Class Teacher: Miss Holmes

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Clark

We are a hard working bunch who love to explore the world around us. In Year 4 we are working really hard on improving our times tables knowledge, you’ll find us on TTRS every day so we can learn them! We are also working really hard on our writing and are trying to make it as exciting as possible for the reader. At the moment our class knowledge is Podkin One Ear By Kieran Larwood and we are enjoying hearing the adventure that Podkin, Paz and Pook are on.


Curriculum Documents - 2023/24

Parent Support

A strong home school link is essential for ensuring your child gets the most out of their education. We really appreciate support from home. Please help your child to:

  • Read regularly – please date and sign your child’s reading record, 5 reads a week = 1 house point!
  • Learn their times tables
  • Complete their homework to a high standard
  • Improve their spelling, punctuation and grammar – weekly spelling journals will show the new spelling rules we are working on in class.
  • Write in joined up cursive script

Please do not hesitate to come and talk to me if you would like further information or support.