Our belief
At St Joseph’s School we believe that homework plays a vital role in raising standards of achievement by pupils, creating good independent learning habits and an opportunity to explore individual creativity and expression.
Our aims
- To consolidate pupils’ knowledge and understanding of their learning at school
- To enable pupils to prepare for new learning
- To allow pupils to practise key skills
- To enable pupils to link their own outside interests to learning
- To encourage parents and adults at home to be part of their children’s learning
Our methods
In EYFS ( Nursery and Reception ) homework will consist of a variety of practical activities, covering the seven Early Learning Goals. These will be uploaded weekly on the Tapestry Online Learning Platform.
In KS1, ( Y1 and Y2 ) homework will be characterised by short activities, including plenty of time for family reading, phonics, Maths and joint learning tasks. Homework will be uploaded onto Tapestry weekly.
In KS2, homework will be weighted towards developing numeracy, literacy and SPAG skills (spelling, grammar and punctuation). Homework will be uploaded weekly onto the Seesaw Online Learning Platform.
Role of teachers
- To provide weekly homework tasks to support pupil’s learning of their class curriculum. (nb. some project based tasks may be set over a longer period)
- To tailor homework tasks to suit groups of children and individuals e.g. SEN, More Able.
- To provide regular feedback on homework by way of whole class feedback or commenting on the work uploaded on the Online Learning Platforms ( Tapestry/Seesaw)
Role of pupils
- To complete the homework task within the timeframe provided
- To talk to teachers about difficulties or concerns before the homework deadline
- To take pride and care in the presentation of homework tasks
- To take increasing responsibility (KS2) for completion of homework, asking for help if required
- To read on a daily basis in addition to the weekly homework task
Minimum time allocation suggested for weekly homework tasks
Year Group |
Suggested Time |
15-20 minutes |
Yrs 1&2 |
20-30 minutes |
Yrs 3&4 |
30-45 minutes |
Yrs 5&6 |
1-1.5 hours |