DT Curriculum
Design and Technology curriculum
“Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks.
But of course, if you look deeper, it’s really how it works.”
Steve Jobs
“Technology makes possibilities. Design makes solutions.”
John Maeda
Our Design and Technology Curriculum Aims to:
At St Joseph’s our intention is for Design and Technology to inspire children to be innovative and creative thinkers . The children are taught to combine their designing and making skills with knowledge and understanding in order to design and make a product. We want children to develop the confidence to take risks, through drafting design concepts, modelling, testing and to be reflective learners who evaluate their own and others’ work. Evaluation is an integral part of the design process and allows children to adapt and improve their product, this is a key skill which they need throughout their life. We want our children to have an awareness of the impact that Design and Technology has on our lives, giving them motivation and meaning for their learning.
How is our Design and Technology Curriculum Planned:
At St Joseph’s, our Design and Technology curriculum shaped by our school vision which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability, additional needs, to flourish to become the very best version of themselves they can possibly be. We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. Children are taught the knowledge, understanding, skills and vocabulary needed to engage in a process of designing and making. We engage our children through activities which involve investigating and evaluating existing products, focussed tasks in which children develop particular aspects of knowledge and skills and then designing and making in which the children design and make ‘something’ for ‘somebody’ for ‘some purpose’.
Making Puppets in Year 3!
“Year 3 have been hard at work finishing off their DT project to design and make a comfy cushion. They have worked so hard developing their sewing skills which they have used to decorate with applique and then to assemble their cushion. We have a real range of brightly coloured cushions in many different shapes with eye catching designs. I am really proud of the resilience that the children have needed to persevere with a challenging textiles project.” Mrs Murphy