Welcome to St Joseph's Nursery - St. John Paul II
Nursery class has had a very busy Spring term! Highlights included our trip to Cogges Farm where the children enjoyed a range of workshops and, in the same week, a day which brought snow fun and discovery. We have continued using Twinkl phonics which is working well to ensure they have the Phonic skills for Reception. Mrs Amin shared her knowledge of Hinduism with Nursery and Year 3 and Nursery children enjoyed seeing Year 3's artwork which they presented to us.
New this term, the children have started shared write stories with an adult. They are very keen to see their stories come to life on paper and I am looking forward to extending this with our Talk for Writing scheme through the rest of the year. Our main challenges in Nursery at present is boosting the children's English; this is worked on using a language, story, talk-rich environment. As the children have become more settled and their English and social skills have improved, it is time for lots of adult-led optional activities, which have been running alongside independent learning. These cover all the areas of the Early Years curriculum as well as key skills such as resilience and problem solving. The children have really enjoyed these challenges! Examples include a football course, board games and learning a dance routine. Children who need additional support in various areas have continued to receive this with short, regular intervention groups. It has been pleasing to see the progress, for example in the Maths pattern group, enabling these children to catch up with the class. Our attention now turns to ensuring the children are independent and ready for Reception so the Nursery practitioners are scaffolding skills such as doing zips and opening lunch packets to help develop these skills. The most important learning experiences continue to come from independent learning where the children often display skills and create games far more interesting and productive than any adult could dream up! Two children were observed creating a zoo together for over an hour recently!
Finkley Down Farm Park 7th July
Learning Fun!

Feast Day: 22nd October
''Do not abandon yourself to despair, we are the Easter people and Alleluia is our song''

Morning Sessions: 8.30 am – 11.30 am
Afternoon Sessions: 12.15pm – 3.15pm
All day sessions (30 hours) 8.30 am – 3.15pm
Lunch options: We run a lunch time club from 11.30am to 12.15pm. The cost for the club for the day is £3, invoiced monthly. You can provide your child with a packed lunch or alternatively pay for a school dinner (currently £2.76)

At St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School the Nursery class children have been very busy settling in and getting to know one another. The Nursery pets, rabbits Candy and Oreo, have helped to settle the children; ‘they are adorable!’ remarked one child.
Caring, passionate practitioners welcome and settle each child daily, according to their individual needs. The children have access to both classrooms and the large exclusive garden during free flow for long periods each day. A wide variety of resources and areas are available, reflecting all aspects of the Early Years Curriculum. These include a free choice art area, music area and mud kitchen and provide a variety of opportunities to develop vital pro-social, communication and physical skills.
Our knowledgeable practitioners, including a class teacher, use a combination of the children’s interests and planned activities to teach the children new skills in interesting, relevant and practical contexts. Each child is extended according to their individual development and next steps. Activities include sewing, woodwork, music, dance and gardening. Group times are kept short and interesting and focus on developing early phonics and mathematics skills as well as weekly RE and literacy.
The aim is to ensure that children not only succeed academically, but also grow spiritually and morally, developing into fully rounded individuals. We follow the diamond rules at St Joseph’s and work hard on copying the example of Jesus, using good manners, caring for our friends and resources and following instructions carefully. The children love to receive stickers for following these rules.
Practitioners develop warm relationships with parents and carers, communicating with them daily via an online learning journal and face-to-face. The classroom environment has an inviting feel, with an emphasis on celebrating the children’s achievements and diversity. One parent commented ‘My son got attached to all the staff, which remarks a caring and kid-friendly attitude. I can’t thank staff enough.’
In addition to the Early Years curriculum, the children are encouraged to develop skills of resilience, team work, concentration and problem-solving which set them up for success throughout their school careers. Practitioners sensitively encourage children to be as independent as possible, in collaboration with parents, assisting with a smooth transition into Reception year.
17th October 2024 - Nursery Stay & Play session
“On Thursday this week, our Nursery team invited parents in for a stay & play session with the children! There was a variety of activities available including; crispy cake making, autumn keepsake painting and leaf window pictures as well as a autumnal pumpkin themed sensory tray to explore! After all of these activities in the classroom we invited the children and parents into the hall for Nursery disco! Everyone had so much fun and we look forward to inviting our families in again!” Mrs Daubney

What do we do in EYFS?
We follow the Curriculum for the Early Years Foundation Stage, along with the Reception Class. It is a very active curriculum requiring learning both indoors and outdoors! There is a good balance between child and adult led activity.
Areas of Learning

Understanding the World
Your child will develop an understanding of Maths through stories, songs and imaginative play. They will become comfortable with using numbers and develop their mathematical vocabulary.
Physical Development
Your child will talk confidently and clearly, enjoying stories and songs. They will learn to recognise letters and develop their skills in mark making. They will also learn how to handle books carefully, talk about illustrations and create their own stories.
Your child will talk confidently and clearly, enjoying stories and songs. They will learn to recognise letters and develop their skills in mark making. They will also learn how to handle books carefully, talk about illustrations and create their own stories.
Your child will ask questions and explore the world around them. They will build with different materials, know about everyday technology and learn what it is used for. They will find out about events in their lives and their families lives.
Your child will explore colours, shapes, dance, make things, tell stories and make music.
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
The children will learn to be self confident and develop skills in making relationships. They will learn through play how to work with other children and adults, solving problems and succeeding together. They will increase their awareness of their own emotions and appropriate ways to express these.